A black spot on your credit rating can occur for a variety of reasons and leave you feeling helpless and unable to borrow funds. If you find yourself in this situation contact Acorn Finance today. Whilst we can’t guarantee you will get a loan, we do understand bad credit situations happen and will strive to help you with a suitable loan.
We offer medium term loans up to $1000 which can be paid back over a term that suits you, usually between 1 and 3 months. We pride ourselves on our fast cash loan service. As a responsible lender, we carry out credit checks on all new loan applicants as part of the on-boarding process. Don’t despair if you have bad credit as this is only a minor consideration. And we believe in giving everyone a fair go. Much more importantly, we look for regular income from paid employment deposited in your bank account. It’s also important that you are not financially over-committed and we determine this by a review of your recent bank statements. Some lenders may offer fast cash loans with no credit check in NZ but these are few and far between. We consider a credit check to be an integral part of any loan request.
A fast cash loan from Acorn Finance is great for covering unexpected situations in life like medical bills, repairs, financial help due any emergency. Before contacting us about a fast cash loan, you can easily see how much it could cost by looking at the cost section of our website. Even better is to start submitting an application as the very first section shows how much a fast cash loan could cost based on your chosen loans amount and repayment frequency.
We strive to:-
- To understand your particular situation
- Tailor a loan to meet your needs
- Once you have qualified for a loan, we get the money to you fast
You can use the funds to:
- Pay medical bills
- Pay utilities such as power, water, rates
- Fix your car
- Buy groceries and other essentials
- … and more