Sometimes, you simply need some extra money in your bank account. Emergencies happen, and life throws things at you that make it necessary to part ways with a good amount of money. However, that money isn’t always immediately available to you, and you need a low-hassle, quick way to get it. Instead of using credit cards with high interest rates or calling upon a risky, shady loan shark, you should consider cash advance loans in New Zealand. These fast cash loans can come in handy if you are someone who has an income but might need a bit extra short term money for car or house repairs, bills, or any other immediate expense.
Many companies offer a cash advance online for NZ residents, but very few can process your loan application and get the money into your account on the same day. Acorn Finance does just that, processing your application, responding quickly to your needs, and helping you solve your short-term money issues. Because you can handle all the ‘paperwork’ online, the process is much quicker than many payday loan businesses.
Lower Interest Cash Advance in NZ
At Acorn Finance, we pride ourselves on offering some of the lowest interest loans available from New Zealand short-term lenders. We have a quick and easy application process, which can be done completely online, making the process hassle-free. We also do not discriminate. Anyone with full-time employment can apply, regardless of credit history. We offer reasonable, crystal clear fees, so you know exactly what you are getting and exactly what you will need to pay back in the future. We want your cash advance loan to be as stress-free as possible because we understand how stressful money problems already are.
Our business aims to be a friendly face, not something that you will spend your time worrying over. That is why we make our application process quick and painless. Most applications are processed in less than an hour, meaning that you can have the money you need in your account in no time at all. If you have a car repair you need to be done on the same day; we can get you the money for that. If you need to pay an education loan, we can get you the money for that.
Who Is Acorn Finance?
We are an owned and operated, New Zealand-based business that has been around the finance and lending industry since 2004. We have always set out to be among the lowest cost loans in the payday loan industry. Because of that, our business thrives on a quick and painless application process, complete with friendly customer service and strict confidentiality. We focus our business on what we call Handy Little Loans – loans up to $1,000 – because we know that small emergencies can come up at any time.
When you need a small money loan or cash advance, please don’t hesitate to contact us, and fill out an online application. We will take care of the rest on our end and ensure that you get the money you need today.