When you are trying to get a mortgage or a car loan, your credit may determine the loan rates you are eligible to receive. If you have a high credit score, you will essentially save money by improving your chances of obtaining a lower rate. If your score is low, you may not even be able to get a loan at all.
However, this does not always apply when you apply for a loan with Acorn Finance. Your credit score is only one factor, but it is an important one. After all, if your credit history shows that you don’t always repay your debts, not many lenders will be prepared to provide you with a big loan. A good way is to start small and demonstrate you can manage the repayments on time and in full.
As your credit improves, you may be eligible for lower rates and larger amounts on subsequent loans with Acorn Finance
We always show you the full costs upfront and the total amount to repay before you apply. There are no hidden fees and if you repay early, you will save money as you only pay interest for the days you borrow.
Look at examples of how much and Acorn Finance Medium Term Loan will cost.
We always assess each application individually and only lend to applicants who we think can comfortably afford to repay on time.
You should always think carefully before committing to any form of credit. If you can’t repay on time you need to contact us straight away. We always want to help you if you are experiencing financial difficulties and we’ll try to find a fair and flexible solution that works for both of us.
Why not submit a loan application today to find out how much it will cost and if you are likely to qualify