Acorn Finance offers Handy Cash Loans for amounts up to $2000.

We call these Medium Term Loans. No security is required for these loans and they are cheaper than typical payday loans.

Examples of Handy Cash Loan amounts and repayments. These are approximate values only. Contact us for exact amount.

Weekly Payments

Loan Amount 10 Weekly Repayments Total of Payments Interest & Fees included in payments
$400 $53.98 $539.70 $139.70
$500 $65.56 $655.52 $155.52
$600 $76.09 $760.81 $160.81
$700 $86.62 $866.11 $166.11
$800 $97.15 $971.42 $171.42

Fortnightly Payments

Loan Amount 5 Fortnightly Repayments Total of Payments Interest & Fees included in payments
$400 $107.42 $537.10 $137.10
$500 $130.47 $652.35 $152.35
$600 $151.43 $757.15 $157.15
$700 $172.39 $861.95 $161.95
$800 $193.94 $969.70 $169.70

Monthly Payments

Loan Amount 3 Monthly Repayments Total of Payments Interest & Fees included in payments
$400 $178.95 $536.84 $136.84
$500 $217.35 $652.05 $152.05
$600 $252.27 $756.81 $156.81
$700 $287.18 $861.52 $161.52
$800 $322.09 $966.26 $166.26
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Unsecured Loans Auckland

With unsecured personal loans Auckland, you don’t require property as collateral for the loan and you will basically just need to have a regular income to be approved for this kind of loan.

When you apply with a financial services provider as opposed to the banks, you’re literally just minutes away from having money in your bank account. With Acorn Finance, your online application is completed in a jiffy and you’ll know whether you’ve been approved very quickly. With unsecured loans Auckland you can pay back the loan in weekly, fortnightly or monthly repayments.

A Guarantor can Open Doors

Credit checks are done, but don’t despair if yours isn’t good because another person can act as guarantor for you, who’ll be legally responsible for any outstanding amount. Unsecured personal loans have their advantages, and the best part is not having to go through an underwriting process and you’re free to use the loans to pay for expenses that you simply didn’t have the money for.

phone. No ghastly begging from family for a quick loan – bad credit personal loans Auckland allow you to discreetly borrow money electronically. Personal loans can certainly be a useful form of credit and will help you to cope when you have sudden expenses that need to be paid immediately

Important Information about our Handy Cash Loans. Please read before submitting a loan application

Make sure you understand what you are committing to when you sign up for a loan
We do our best to make sure you understand everything about your rights and obligations when you take out a loan. To help with this you will be provided with:

  • A Credit Contract to commit to which includes the rights and responsibilities for both you and us
  • The repayment amounts, terms, conditions, interest rates, and fees.
  • The obligations that come with having a loan, and the results of not repaying it. The results of not repaying the loan might include a bad credit rating and extra collection fees.

Don’t consent to or commit to any loan offer or contract if you have any reservations or don’t understand everything. Instead seek legal advice first.
Contact our customer service team if you have any questions or concerns – we are here to help.

Cost of borrowing
Our interest rate for medium term loans is 49.5% per year fixed. Interest is calculated on a daily basis and applied weekly. The interest rate is fixed for the term of the loan.
An Establishment Fee of up to $200 is charged for every new loan.
There is an Administration Fee of $10.50 per month
An Express Payment fee of $5.00 may also apply if you select this option

Medium Term Loans
Loans amounts between $600 and $2000. The amount available will depend on your personal circumstances.
Loan term is 6 to 26 weeks.

Privacy of Personal Information
When you contact Acorn Finance directly, use our website, make a loan application, or communicate with us in any way, we receive personal information about you. We strive to protect the privacy of all personal information supplied to us and use it only for the purpose intended.

Can I cancel a loan?
You have a right to cancel your loan within 9 working days. Please refer to the Right to Cancel section in your Credit Contract for full details on your rights and obligations regarding loan cancellation. If you do cancel your loan, we can charge you any reasonable expenses that had to be paid in connection with the Credit Contract. We can also charge any interest accrued for the period from the day you received your loan until the day you paid the balance.

What happens if I can’t meet my repayments?
If you have trouble repaying your loan, you should contact us as soon as possible.

We will do our best to:

  • Treat you reasonably. We will discuss possible repayment options with you and if appropriate will renegotiate the terms of your loan
  • Work with you to find solutions if you are having problems with your money or suddenly face hardship. This might include referring you to someone who can give you advice about how best to manage your money, for example a budget advisor or social service provider.
  • You may be able to apply for Unforeseen Hardship (See next section)

What is unforeseen hardship?
Causes of unforeseen hardship include serious injury, loss of employment, illness, end of a relationship or any significant circumstance affecting your ability to meet the repayment schedule.

To apply for a variation from your loan contract due to Unforeseen Hardship, you need to make an application in writing to Acorn Finance and explain your reasons for the application. Possible options include extending the term of the agreement which will reduce the amount of each payment, or postponing the repayments for a period of time.
You should apply for a variation from your contract as soon as possible after experiencing unforeseen hardship. If you leave it too long, we may not have to consider your application. More information on Unforeseen Hardship can be found on the Department of Consumer Affairs website.

Consequences of not meeting your repayment commitments

If for any reason you miss a payment, ring us immediately so we can arrange a solution that works and you can manage. If you continue to miss payments and fail to make arrangements, you may be liable for default fees. Each time we send a warning letter, email or SMS text, you may be charged default fees of $10. If we have not received a payment and we cannot contact, you we will call up the unpaid balance and it will be handed over to our debt collectors.
Default Payment Fee      $10.00

How do I find out my loan balance?
You can ring or email us anytime to request a statement or loan balance. There is no charge for this. Otherwise we send statements every 6 months.

Method of payment
Payments are to be made by Direct Debit using our provider ASB or by a payment method approved by us.

Early Repayment
You can pay off your loan anytime. You just pay the unpaid balance which includes the interest charged up to the time you pay in full

How do I make a complaint?
We welcome your feedback and if you are dissatisfied with any part of our service please let us know straight away by phone or email to the Complaints Manager at Acorn Finance. We undertake to investigate all concerns promptly and fairly.

If you are not satisfied with the response from the Complaints Manager you may then refer the matter to Financial Services Complaints Limited (FSCL) by email to or calling on 0800 347 257. There is no cost to use this service.

Acorn Finance is a member FSCL which is an independent dispute resolution scheme approved by the Ministry of Consumer Affairs

Lending Policy and guidelines
Acorn Finance aims to be a responsible lender. We intend to act with integrity in all situations, treat all clients and loan applicants fairly and operate and within the law. This means we only approve loan applications we believe are appropriate for the applicant’s needs and believe they can afford the repayments.

Applicants must be New Zealand citizens over the age of 18 years. We don’t lend to people who are bankrupt, or who are undergoing a No Asset Procedure or a Summary Instalment Order. Credit checks are done on all new customers and a minimum after-tax income from employment of $450 per week regularly paid into a bank account is required.
We might decide not to give you a loan if we believe you would not be able to repay the loan, if you would find it extremely hard to repay, or if the type of loan you have asked for will not meet your needs or goals.

The first time you apply for a loan with us you will need to provide a photo ID, a proof of address, and bank statements for the last 8 weeks.

Loan Renewal Policy
Before you borrow again, you must have repaid at least half the initial unpaid balance of your current loan.
If you have missed one or more repayments on your loan, your credit limit for future loans may be reduced, or we may decide not to give you any more loans.
If it has been more than 6 months since your last loan, you will need to show us your latest bank statement and confirm your contact details.

Credit Provider
Acorn Finance is a Registered Financial Service Provider FSP246365 and is New Zealand owned and operated.
Hours of business are Monday to Friday 9:00am to 4:30pm

As at 1 June 2020

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